Psychiatric Drugs and Spirituality

By bmwadmin-
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Psychiatric Drugs and Spirituality


I have never met this psychiatrist, but I already love him! This talk is so powerful, heartfelt and full of love and good sense. I hope it blesses you as it has me. Every counselor, therapist, provider, patient and person that cares about spreading love should take the time to listen to this presentation.

In this filmed talk to the International Association of Biblical Counselors, psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin describes psychiatric drugs as well as marijuana and other psychoactive agents as chemicals that suppress the ability of the brain and mind to care, to love, to engage life, and to experience a loving God. What unfolds is a genuine expression of his attitude towards the effect of psychiatric drugs on the human spirit, and his own most closely held principles of living.

God’s love is real; it is powerful and life-changing, and God’s love is poured out for you! Drink it in!

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